2025 Fee List
Personalised Wedding Ceremony
My standard wedding fee is $600.00 if your Wedding Ceremony is in Townsville.
Additional charges will apply to all ceremonies if your occasion is taking place on Magnetic Island or further than 50km from Townsville, please contact me for a quote on any additional charges that may apply.
Please refer to my Weddings page for a detailed description of inclusions
Naming Ceremony
Naming Ceremony fee is $400.00.
Please refer to my Naming Ceremony page for a detailed description of inclusions.
Renewal of Vows
Renewal of Vows Ceremony is $380.00.
Please refer to my Renewal of Vows page for a detailed description of inclusions.
No Fuss, Elopement & Low Cost Wedding Ceremony
No Fuss, Elopement & Low Cost Wedding Ceremony is $380.00.
Please refer to my No Fuss & Elopement Packages page for a detailed description of inclusions.
Letter for Immigration
Letter for Immigration fee is $180.00.
Please refer to my Letter for Immigration page for a detailed description of inclusions.
Ceremony Alternatives
Ceremony alternatives are not provided by me, all costs associated with a ceremony alternative are to be paid by the couple.
Please refer to my Ceremony Alternatives page for some ideas for your special day 🙂
Terms and Conditions
To secure your booking with me you will be required to pay a $180 non refundable booking fee.
Booking fee is payable within 3 business days of initial request to book your ceremony date, your date is not secured until payment has been received. The balance of your ceremony fee to be paid no later than 14 days from the ceremony date.
Additional charges will apply to all ceremonies if your occasion is taking place on Magnetic Island or further than 50km from Townsville, please contact me for a quote on any additional charges that may apply.
Not all dates can be replaced with other bookings, if you decide to change your ceremony date after you have booked and paid your booking fee a $70 change fee will apply.